Lindsey Leavitt Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Lindsey Leavitt.

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Because I like being around you." He's still looking out the window, and I wonder if he's focusing on one object when he says this and what that object is. "I probably shouldn't, but I do. And I can't say why. I mean, I can think of a bunch of reasons why."
Like? Like?
"But given … the obvious roadblock, I'm not sure how much we can get to know each other." He rushes on. "As people, because you're an interesting person and I value that in friendship. That's seriously what I'm after, not that I'm after you and I'm not talking about, you know, 'knowing' each other. Like in a biblical way or anything, although you're obviously pretty. I mean, very pretty and totally worth knowing both ways … Okay, shut it, Oliver. Shut it.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Because I like being around
People laugh because they're nervous, or to cover up tension, or to flirt, or because there's some instant applause meter in their head telling them that it's the socially acceptable thing to do. Genuine laughter, I don't even think that happens daily.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: People laugh because they're nervous,
The last thing I wanted when things were just barely started with Dax was having my friends make aware. What if they told my family? What was there even to tell so far? We'd kissed twice. We'd exchanged a few texts. I thought about him constantly. I'd named our first three children.
So what?
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: The last thing I wanted
Hearts have more room than you think
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Hearts have more room than
I'm trying to abandon the present, but I don't even have the skills to master the past.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I'm trying to abandon the
They just change. Their body changes. Their abilities - the things they do that make them who they are - leave, sometimes temporarily, sometimes forever. Every day they wake up with that big what if?
And nothing is scarier than a life filled with what ifs - living by day without predictability and control. Some people end up losing feeling. Some have uncontrollable spasms. Some can't function. Some end up blind or in a wheelchair. Some end up bedridden and paralyzed.
It's hard to know who "some people" will be.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: They just change. Their body
He loops his arm over my shoulder and we watch the waves in silence. We've had so many silences between us these last few months, bitter ones, loaded ones, empty ones, and hurtful ones. This one is perfect. It says things that words can't.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: He loops his arm over
A true friend gives you exactly what you need, even if she has no idea why you need it.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: A true friend gives you
My mother makes up for all shortcomings because she birthed Ginnie. I might not have loads of friends, but Ginnie is enough. More than enough.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: My mother makes up for
Kylee laughed. "Nothing with you is normal. But speaking of abnormal, I saw this movie where these two girls liked the same boy, and one girl was a werewolf, and the other was a dragon, although she didn't know it yet, and it turned out the boy was a killer of, like, magical creatures, so both girls died and he took the head cheerleader to prom."
"That sounds like a stupid movie," I said.
"It actually was. But the boy had this shirt off a lot. I guess hunting magical creatures is great for stomach muscles.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Kylee laughed.
Adolescence is the same tragedy being performed again and again. The only things that change are the stage props.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Adolescence is the same tragedy
What? I didn't say that boy-stealing is a bad thing.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: What? I didn't say that
Everything they've said is tainted now. Every day was a lie.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Everything they've said is tainted
Remember that you don't have to forget what happened, but you can forget the pain.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Remember that you don't have
We stood in the wings together, side by side. Reed's mouth was still agape.
"It makes sense when you think about it," I mused. "You get two people together who have you-know-what, and sparks are going to fly."
Reed's cue was about to start. He pointed at me and said, "Tonight. There's a party. And we're going to talk."
"Because this is crazy."
"Okay. Well." He tugged a strand of my hair. "Good luck out there."
"You're not supposed to say that."
"Fine. How about..." He squinted at me. "Here's looking at you kid."
The smile melted off my face. "What did you say?"
"It's a line. From a movie." He shrugged and burst onto the stage with a hee-haw.
It was a line. From Casablanca. The same line KARL had said to me when I was Elsa. The same like Karl didn't recognize when I said it to him as Floressa. Which meant... nothing. Right? Lots of people know that line. Just because Reed said it, and Reed was a sub, it didn't mean he was... he was...
"You're on," the stage manager whispered.
I stumbled onto the stage. The lights were too bright. The theater was packed. Reed gave me a quick, crooked smile, and I knew.
My crush on Karl was less complicated than I thought, because it wasn't Karl I'd been with that day in the garden.
Now my crush on Reed... ?
THAT was a scandal all on its own.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: We stood in the wings
There's nothing sweeter than sweat.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: There's nothing sweeter than sweat.
He once wore the same T-shirt to school for forty-two days straight. Everyone speculated the reasoning behind the bright orange STAFF shirt - he was protesting unemployment, flipping off commercialization, going green. I think he just did it because he could. To say, Hey, I'm Oliver Kimball, and when I wear a shirt every day, it's a statement, but with anyone else, it's a hygiene issue.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: He once wore the same
He's going to want an explanation," I say.
"An explanation? You don't owe him anything. If you don't want to talk to him, don't. If you want to yell at him, do. If you want to slash his tires - "
"I was going to say don't. Or do. Whatever helps.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: He's going to want an
I guess it's hard to be the villain without a hero.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I guess it's hard to
I thought Oliver was trying hard before, but now I realize it's quite the opposite
he doesn't try, he just is, makes up his mind and doesn't check if it's going to work for his image or come off wrong. Since the rest of us are being so self-aware, his presence seems calculated. No one can possibly be that breezy, saying what he thinks, feeling what he feels. I can see why people don't like him for this very reason
it's so much easier to call him a poser.
Because if he's the real deal, then that makes the rest of us fakes.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I thought Oliver was trying
I'm sorry I kissed you."
"Don't apologize!"
"All right. Sorry."
"You don't get all the blame. I was here too, you know. Do you think I just run around kissing any boy who drags me into a toolshed?"
"No." Oliver's mouth twitches. "Do you have a lot of boys dragging you into toolsheds?
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I'm sorry I kissed you."Don't" title="Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I'm sorry I kissed you."
"Don't" width="913px" height="515px" loading="lazy"/>
I want to live in a world free of air talkers and technological affairs. Is that too much to ask? My
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I want to live in
A bead of cold sweat dangled on my fingertip before dripping onto the doorbell. What if I got electrocuted from my wet fingers? I would die literally inches from my first high school party. And everyone would be like, oh, poor thing was so nervous, what a tragedy. Death by sweat.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: A bead of cold sweat
Life if freer once you are out of the cocoon.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Life if freer once you
When a flawlessly dressed woman steps out of an iridescent bubble and wants to know, like NOW if you'd like to become a substitute princess, do you:
a) run
b) faint
c) say yes!
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: When a flawlessly dressed woman
Their relationship isn't perfect in a lot of ways, bit it's something real. And real should probably be the goal, not perfection. Every relationship is flawed; you just have to figure out how to make it work. Keep trying.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: Their relationship isn't perfect in
I let out a sigh, hoping it releases some of the bad karma I just incurred from being so heinous. (Sean Griswold's Head)
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I let out a sigh,
We're all messed up," I said. "I think life is just about finding the right people to be messed up with.
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: We're all messed up,
I don't know if I've ever really touched him. Maybe once or twice when passing papers back. You know, even shorter, his hair looks so soft. Maybe it's time I rub it a little. So I can give more concrete details.
I stretch my hand across my desk, but stop when I realize the horror of what I was about to do. Pet Sean. Have I lost my mind?
Lindsey Leavitt Quotes: I don't know if I've
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