Kirsten Dunst Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Kirsten Dunst.

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A lot of people my age who are working right now have never acted; they get a show and suddenly they're making millions. It's always those people who get it fast who have the most trouble staying grounded and being themselves.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: A lot of people my
When I'm working, I always listen to music to zone everyone else out.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When I'm working, I always
On every film I do, whenever there are other girls my age, I think it's definitely up to me to set the pace. That's because I've had a lot of experience, and I think there's always a certain amount of professionalism that should be maintained. If I was catty or whatever, it would just make the whole shoot unpleasant. And what's the point of that?
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: On every film I do,
I started when I was three years old, doing commercials and Modeling in New York, I liked it so much that I kept doing it.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I started when I was
I love to produce, and I've directed two short films.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I love to produce, and
I can't watch my movies and get into them because as soon as I see myself I get taken out of the film.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I can't watch my movies
I love what I do and I dont want to stop - This is all Ive ever wanted.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I love what I do
It's weird doing red carpets; it's uncomfortable. But you can have a sense of humor about it.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: It's weird doing red carpets;
I've been lucky to find people who want to work with me, whom I respect and like, but the truth is there aren't that many good projects out there. And we make way, way too many movies. So it's not always going to happen with every project. But I try and wait it out.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I've been lucky to find
I just want to be a good friend to people, that's all.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I just want to be
I liked the girly cartoons. I was very much a girly-girl.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I liked the girly cartoons.
A lot of moms give their kids line reads. My mom wasn't put in that position because I always had an acting teacher helping with the feelings rather than how to say something.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: A lot of moms give
Obviously I'm a feminist. It's ridiculous that anyone would think other of me.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Obviously I'm a feminist. It's
I'm never going to say anything about who I'm dating unless I'm married or engaged.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'm never going to say
I'm not someone who plays a part for the press junket.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'm not someone who plays
Doing 'All Good Things' really felt like I was acting for myself rather than anyone else. It gave me a freedom I'd never had before, or knew I had, to do whatever I want to, and to argue my opinions and not just feel like the cute girl on set or the girl in a boy's club. I figured out how I could be both. And it's been different ever since.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Doing 'All Good Things' really
If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: If everyone smoked weed, the
I really think the key to a film is the chemistry of people.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I really think the key
I'd like to grow up and be beautiful. I know it doesn't matter, but it doesn't hurt.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'd like to grow up
I think everyone wants for their kids the good things that they had.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I think everyone wants for
I didn't go to Cirque Lodge for alcohol abuse or drug abuse
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I didn't go to Cirque
In high school I had a boyfriend who was super into rap, so I was into Too $hort and Wu-Tang for a little while. And my best friend's older brother would sometimes drive us home in this pimped-out truck, and he'd play all his dirty rap music. We thought we were really cool.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: In high school I had
I think for everyone it's good to have your own personal work on a character and a film before you even start rehearsing, to have an inner life.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I think for everyone it's
You can never control who you fall in love with, even when you're in the most sad, confused time of your life. You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: You can never control who
I don't think roles help you resolve your issues. I just think they're good markers.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I don't think roles help
I would always rather do a mediocre script with a great filmmaker than a great script with a mediocre filmmaker.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I would always rather do
It's nice when the movie is not on your shoulders, too. It's fun to do a smaller part sometimes.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: It's nice when the movie
I would have loved to have been in a Hitchcock movie.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I would have loved to
I don't really relate to myself as The Girl in the Magazine. Which is dangerous for me, too, sometimes, because I don't think all the time, 'Well, look to see if people are following me home.' Sometimes I'm a little bit more free than maybe I should be.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I don't really relate to
I feel like everyone directs their own career according to their taste, what they migrate to emotionally and what kind of artists they want to work with. And I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I can wait six months for a project that really interests me.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I feel like everyone directs
I'd like to be taller. I'd like my baby fat to leave.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'd like to be taller.
Pristine vulnerability is just so boring to me. The performances that I love are ones like Gena Rowland's in 'A Woman Under the Influence,' where women are allowed to be messy and imperfect. It's that kind of woman that has always inspired me to seek roles that are a little out of the box. I just haven't always had the opportunity to do them.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Pristine vulnerability is just so
I think that everybody in life probably goes through obstacles at different times in life. I wouldn't really call them obstacles, I think that's just called growing up, and I think it's hard to be in the industry at such a young age
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I think that everybody in
I don't live in the spotlight, and I don't live my life in front of the paparazzi. I live very comfortably and quietly as possible.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I don't live in the
I would love to play Marlene Dietrich in a movie. My dad's from Germany and so I feel like that would be a really interesting person to play.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I would love to play
I think most human beings go through some sort of depression in their life. And if they don't, I think that's weird.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I think most human beings
I like people more undone than made up. Patricia Arquette is the ultimate. She's not anorexic or perfectly tan, she's not trying to be anything but what she is, and that's the most sexy thing.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I like people more undone
I built my entire career off of teen comedies. I was in 'Bring It On'.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I built my entire career
My favourite food at the moment is Pasta, with tons of shaved Parmesan on the side. Not crumbly but like the hunks, you know what I meanwhen you get the thin slices.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: My favourite food at the
A lot of people my age, they grew up with me onscreen. I think that's helped keep a certain amount of longevity. When you grow up with a person, you feel like you know them.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: A lot of people my
I've always used my own personal emotions and things that I've gone through in my life to build a character. The work that I do before a film feels almost like therapy, between me and whoever I'm playing.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I've always used my own
I've been an REM fan since I was a little girl. I would jump around to 'Stand' in the mirror.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I've been an REM fan
I don't want to be 'box-office girl,' but I don't want to be 'that indie girl' either.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I don't want to be
I think it's best to date someone who doesn't do what you do.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I think it's best to
I don't gossip about myself.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I don't gossip about myself.
When you spend your entire life as a child actress, being told where to go and where to stand, you're performing constantly for people. It definitely breeds the kind of person who's dependent on other people's approval.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When you spend your entire
I'm not someone who is scared of doing things out of the box.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'm not someone who is
Everyone goes through a hard time in their life.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Everyone goes through a hard
When you have a beanpole body, everything looks cute. Like Alexa Chung. I like her style, but she's really tall and skinny, so everything looks good on her.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When you have a beanpole
If I'd trusted myself and listened to myself all the times that I ignored myself, I would have been fine. But everyone has to learn their lesson, and now I've got it.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: If I'd trusted myself and
I'm the kind of person who buys a new thing, wears it so much and then is totally sick of it.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'm the kind of person
Being an actress doesn't make you popular in school.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Being an actress doesn't make
Everybody has a mean streak in them, don't they?
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Everybody has a mean streak
When I'm an old lady, I'm going to have my pick of the young men. They'll be like, 'She's Miss Mary Jane!' The young boys will think I'm a hot old lady.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When I'm an old lady,
It's important to me that I don't get trapped in the whole teen scene, because I feel that you can get lost in those kind of movies, and they aren't really about the actors; they're about the selling of the concept, and how much money it makes.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: It's important to me that
I really want to do a film in another language. My dad's from Germany, so it'd be really cool to do a film in German. I'm not quite fluent, but I can get there. And my accent's pretty good. I wouldn't feel too out of my element.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I really want to do
Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Boys frustrate me. I hate
I know kids are supposed to go through these awkward stages, but I just never even thought about that. I was too busy worrying about getting my education while I was working.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I know kids are supposed
I was a very extrovert kid. It felt normal to me to act. I always went to regular schools. I've never been catty or a prima donna, so I never had problems. I always had my seat at the cafeteria when I came back from acting.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I was a very extrovert
I try not to do scenes a certain way, because then I become conscious of it, and it dosen't come off as realistic. I try to make it so that I'm not really aware of what I'm doing.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I try not to do
When you feel good is when you're not afraid to feel the worst.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When you feel good is
I would love to work with Quentin Tarantino - he's my number one. My ultimate. I would love to work with Paul Thomas Anderson, Alexander Payne - Pedro Almodovar wouldn't be too shabby. There are so many good directors, but those are some of my favorites.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I would love to work
I think vegetarians - for a lot of them - it's about a lack of commitment to life and relationships. There are some who just like the fact that they're controlling something in their life.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I think vegetarians - for
My mother told me that when I was born a wave of feeling came over her. She just knew that I was destined to be an actress.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: My mother told me that
When I go away to do a movie, I bring the blanket I've had since I was a little girl. It helps me sleep. I also always bring my laptop so I can E-mail friends. And I bring my dog, Beauty, wherever I can.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When I go away to
I hate red-carpet photographs!
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I hate red-carpet photographs!
Everybody smokes! Models, actresses, everyone! Don't they realize that it's gross? I understand it's an addiction, but it still pains me to see my friends do it.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Everybody smokes! Models, actresses, everyone!
I really wanted the MTV Award the most, It was a golden popcorn container and it looks really neat.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I really wanted the MTV
But the real secret to total gorgeousness is to believe in yourself, have self confindence, and try to be secure in your decisions and thoughts.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: But the real secret to
What are you going to do if it's the end of the world? You better go out having fun instead of stressing about it.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: What are you going to
I really just enjoy listening to talk [to John Hurt and Charlotte Rampling ] ... not even about acting or anything. It's interesting because I felt really connected to all these people very easily. They're all very open emotionally, like we're in the scene together, so you never feel like anyone's acting.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I really just enjoy listening
You lose like five pounds immediately, and your face is glowing and gorgeous!
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: You lose like five pounds
You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and you're excited for the day? That's one of my main goals in life.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: You know that feeling when
I used to feel like I had to be the best at what I did, but I realized I don't have to be the best. It's so freeing. I've never been this happy.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I used to feel like
A singer is someone who puts out an album. That's a very generous description.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: A singer is someone who
When I was little, I put on plays for my family at Sunday dinner, and I would direct them and have all my cousins, my brother, and my best friends in it. I was a very imaginative and theatrical child and wasn't afraid of being in front of a camera. It was like make-believe to me.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When I was little, I
When you're in a depressed state, having something really bad happen gives you kind of a life again.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: When you're in a depressed
I mean look at Antichrist. He's not making films to be liked by everyone, so why is this so surprising coming from Lars von Trier?
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I mean look at Antichrist.
Madonna is my role model shes such a powerful woman. I love Gwenyth Paltrow, shes an actress I aspire to be like. And, of course, my mom. She drove me from New Jersey to New York every day for commercials so I could get where I am today.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Madonna is my role model
I'm not someone who feels like I have to do it the same way. I never feel restricted. It all should grow out of different moments and if it goes completely different that's how it should go.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'm not someone who feels
Most people ask me questions based on a previous interview. That's not an interview. It's like they're just saying my quotes back to me.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Most people ask me questions
I don't find I'm manic at all. I'm very chill.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I don't find I'm manic
The hardest job an actor can do is all this pretend, all this screaming and being scared for your life.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: The hardest job an actor
I've always had a process that I do before I even get to set or go to the location. I work privately, and it almost feels like therapy between me and who I'm playing. So I have this inner life that's there and it gives me a confidence, too, that when I'm playing the role I know every question.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I've always had a process
I never read comics as a kid. I guess I was lazy and watched cartoons instead.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I never read comics as
I feel very lucky that I don't have to rely on a man to give me financial security. That's a big deal.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I feel very lucky that
If you're successful at a young age, no matter the profession, there has to come a time when you reevaluate everything, what it means to you. 'Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life?'
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: If you're successful at a
You can never get enough of 'Jeopardy.'
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: You can never get enough
I attract a different kind of boy when my hair's red. I get more quality men - like a more thoughtful, nerdy dude.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I attract a different kind
Confidence is very sexy. You could be not cute at all and have such confidence.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: Confidence is very sexy. You
I love my snaggle fangs. They give me character and character is sexy.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I love my snaggle fangs.
I'm very mature for my age, but I'm also innocent in a lot of ways.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I'm very mature for my
I feel like I could never walk around a film half-naked. I definitely wouldn't want to see that.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I feel like I could
I live in New York now and most of magazines have turned more towards reality stars. So, really I think that's great because it's turned towards people who want it rather than ... So, I think it's actually kind of imploding in on itself a little bit.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I live in New York
I've always been someone who is pretty hard on herself. But I've lightened up a lot.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I've always been someone who
If I saw 'Virgin Suicides' or 'Eternal Sunshine,' I'm so proud to be in those movies. They are such great movies. I felt so free on those sets.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: If I saw 'Virgin Suicides'
I am sure I would love to do it now, but back then, I was, like, 11 and it was 'ugh.' There's nothing sexual or sexy when you're that age. So I was kissing Brad Pitt. So what? He had chapped lips. He was lovely and kind and sweet to me, but it was just yuk.
Kirsten Dunst Quotes: I am sure I would
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