John Of Ruysbroeck Quotes

Most memorable quotes from John Of Ruysbroeck.

John Of Ruysbroeck Famous Quotes

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The measure of your holiness is proportionate to the goodness of your will.
John Of Ruysbroeck Quotes: The measure of your holiness
The love of Jesus is at once avid and generous. All that He has, all that He is, He gives; all that we are, all that we have, He takes.
John Of Ruysbroeck Quotes: The love of Jesus is
When love has carried us above all things ... we receive in peace the Incomprehensible Light, enfolding us and penetrating us. What is this Light, if it be not a contemplation of the Infinite, and an intuition of Eternity? We behold that which we are, and we are that which we behold; because our being, without losing anything of its own personality, is united with the Divine Truth.
John Of Ruysbroeck Quotes: When love has carried us
Contemplation places us in a purity and radiance which is far above our understanding.
John Of Ruysbroeck Quotes: Contemplation places us in a
If above all things we would taste God, and feel eternal life in ourselves, we must go forth into God with our feeling, above reason; and there we must abide, onefold, empty of ourselves, and free from images, lifted up by love into the simple bareness of our intelligence.
John Of Ruysbroeck Quotes: If above all things we
Knowledge of ourselves teaches us whence we come, where we are and whither we are going. We come from God and we are in exile; and it is because our potency of affection lends towards God that we are aware of this state of exile.
John Of Ruysbroeck Quotes: Knowledge of ourselves teaches us
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