Elizabeth Barrette Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Elizabeth Barrette.

Elizabeth Barrette Famous Quotes

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Twilight Surprise" poem:

"The sky burns down,
A rim of coals glowing gold and red,
Limned with orange again
And kissed with hints of pink.
The clouds reflect tangerine and plum,
Overshadowing the silent glory.
Darkness and light,
Balanced upon this equinox,
Dance together like old lovers …
… and beget beauty.
Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: Twilight Surprise
"The" title="Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: Twilight Surprise" poem:

"The" width="913px" height="515px" loading="lazy"/>
Wondering When the Strings Will Snap" poem:

"The marigolds herald autumn's colors already
In their sun-shrine faces, iconographic
Floral worship of their distant deity -- yet they
Die at the first touch of frost, unlike chrysanthemums,
The true flowers of fall.
Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: Wondering When the Strings Will
Campfire Companions" poem:

"What a longing they touched in me! Ah,
would that I could lose myself in the wilderness,
become a ghost of smoke and shadow,
moving so subtly through the lucid moonlight
that all my edges wore away.
Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: Campfire Companions
"What" title="Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: Campfire Companions" poem:

"What" width="913px" height="515px" loading="lazy"/>
From the book From Nature's Patient Hands by Elizabeth Barrette ("The Nature of Poetry, and Vice Versa" section):
" Walk as if nothing is chasing you. Watch as if nothing is afraid of you. Write as if you have nothing else in the universe to do.
Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: From the book From Nature's
A Tangible Reminder":
"Underfoot rustling unsilent leaves
Crackle electric ecstasy
Spice the autumn air,
A tangible reminder
That death can be a glory.
Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: A Tangible Reminder"Underfoot rustling" title="Elizabeth Barrette Quotes: A Tangible Reminder":
"Underfoot rustling" width="913px" height="515px" loading="lazy"/>
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