August Strindberg Quotes

Most memorable quotes from August Strindberg.

August Strindberg Famous Quotes

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I always disliked dogs, those protectors of cowards who lack the courage to fight an assailant themselves.
August Strindberg Quotes: I always disliked dogs, those
Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and used. Anything is possible, anything can happen. On a flimsy ground of reality, imagination spins marvelous patterns.
August Strindberg Quotes: Any programming language is at
It's wonderful how, the moment you talk about God and love, your voice becomes hard, and your eyes fill with hatred. No, Margret, you certainly haven't the true faith.
August Strindberg Quotes: It's wonderful how, the moment
- He really is the most arrogant person I've ever come across. 'I am, therefore God exists'. ALICE
August Strindberg Quotes: - He really is the
I see the playwright as a lay preacher peddling the ideas of his time in popular form.
August Strindberg Quotes: I see the playwright as
I do not care about my own appearance, but I would hope that people could see into my soul, and that is presented better in these photographs than in others. (On his self-portraits)
August Strindberg Quotes: I do not care about
PASTOR. Violence aside now, admit that he suffers from fixed ideas. DOCTOR. I think your ideas are even more fixed, pastor! PASTOR
August Strindberg Quotes: PASTOR. Violence aside now, admit
Sometimes not seeing things can be a blessing.
August Strindberg Quotes: Sometimes not seeing things can
Speaking at last becomes a vice, like
drinking. And why speak, if words do not cloak thoughts ?
August Strindberg Quotes: Speaking at last becomes a
Meeting each other and leaving each other. Leaving and meeting. That's what life is!
August Strindberg Quotes: Meeting each other and leaving
If you are afraid of loneliness, don't get married
August Strindberg Quotes: If you are afraid of
Why is it so painful to watch a person sink? Because there is something unnatural in it, for nature demands personal progress, evolution, and every backward step means wasted energy.
August Strindberg Quotes: Why is it so painful
Oh, I have loved him too much to feel no hate for him.
August Strindberg Quotes: Oh, I have loved him
And why does man weep when he is sad? I asked at last - Because the glass in the eyes must be washed now and then, so that we can see clearly, said the child.
August Strindberg Quotes: And why does man weep
At last everything was satisfactorily arranged, and I could not help admiring the setting: these mingled touches betrayed on a small scale the inspiration of a poet, the research of a scientist, the good taste of an artist, the gourmet's fondness for good food, and the love of flowers, which concealed in their delicate shadows a hint of the love of women
August Strindberg Quotes: At last everything was satisfactorily
There are poisons that blind you, and poisons that open your eyes.
August Strindberg Quotes: There are poisons that blind
Not everyone is capable of madness; and of those lucky enough to be capable, not many have the courage for it.
August Strindberg Quotes: Not everyone is capable of
Life is not so idiotically mathematical that only the big eat the small; it is just as common for a bee to kill a lion or at least to drive it mad.
August Strindberg Quotes: Life is not so idiotically
When people drink, they talk, and talk is dangerous!
August Strindberg Quotes: When people drink, they talk,
The ball was held in a middle-class home. The girls were anemic - some of them; the others were red as raspberries. John liked the pale ones best, the ones with black or blue rings round their eyes. They looked so sad and suffering and pitiable, and they cast tender yearning glances at him, such yearning glances.
August Strindberg Quotes: The ball was held in
I prefer silence. Then you can hear thoughts and see into the past.
In silence you can't hide anything ... as you can in words.
August Strindberg Quotes: I prefer silence. Then you
What is economics? A science invented by the upper class in order to acquire the fruits of the labor of the underclass
August Strindberg Quotes: What is economics? A science
Growing old-it's not nice, but it's interesting.
August Strindberg Quotes: Growing old-it's not nice, but
You do much worse things- you who can see to other planets."- Bertha, "The Father
August Strindberg Quotes: You do much worse things-
LAWYER. Justice that destroys itself in seeking to be just! - - - Right, that so often fosters wrong!!! DAUGHTER
August Strindberg Quotes: LAWYER. Justice that destroys itself
Yes, I am crying although I am a man. But has not a man eyes! Has not a man hands, limbs,
senses, thoughts, passions? Is he not fed with the wine food, hurt by the same weapons, warmed and cooled by the same summer and winter as a woman? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? And if you poison us, do we not die? Why shouldn't a man complain, a soldier weep? Because it is unmanly? Why is it unmanly?
August Strindberg Quotes: Yes, I am crying although
Religion must be a punishment, because nobody gets religion who does not have a bad conscience.
August Strindberg Quotes: Religion must be a punishment,
When people refuse to speak out for too long, it's like water that's stagnant and starts to rot!
August Strindberg Quotes: When people refuse to speak
If a flower you covet, straightway you are told it is another's.
August Strindberg Quotes: If a flower you covet,
I am a socialist, a nihilist, a republican, anything that is anti-reactionary!... I want to turn everything upside down to see what lies beneath; I believe we are so webbed, so horribly regimented, that no spring-cleaning is possible, everything must be burned, blown to bits, and then we can start afresh...
August Strindberg Quotes: I am a socialist, a
A man with a so-called character is often a simple piece of mechanism; he has often only one point of view for the extremely complicated relationships of life.
August Strindberg Quotes: A man with a so-called
He liked the girls, liked to hold them around the waist, felt like a man when he did. But as for talking with them, no, no! Then he felt as though he were dealing with another species of human being, in some cases a higher one, in others a lower. He secretly admired the weak, pale, little girl and had picked her to be his wife. That was still the only way he could think of a woman - as a wife. He danced in a very chaste and proper manner, but he heard awful stories about his pals, stories he didn't understand until later. They could dance the waltz backwards around the room in a very indecent way, and they told naughty stories about the girls.
August Strindberg Quotes: He liked the girls, liked
By attempting the impossible one can attain the highest level of the possible.
August Strindberg Quotes: By attempting the impossible one
When aristocrats pretend they're common people
they get common!
August Strindberg Quotes: When aristocrats pretend they're common
Those who won't accept evil never get anything good.
August Strindberg Quotes: Those who won't accept evil
[My characters are] conglomerations of past and present stages of civilization, bits from books and newspapers, scraps of humanity, rags and tatters of fine clothing, patched together as is the human soul
August Strindberg Quotes: [My characters are] conglomerations of
I once asked a little boy why the sea was salt, and the boy, whose father was away on a long journey, said right away, "The sea is salt because the sailors cry so much." "But why do the sailors cry so much?" I asked. "Because," he said, "they always have to go away from home- and that's why they're always drying their handkerchiefs up on the masthead!" And then I asked him, "But why do people cry when they're sad?" And he said, "That's because they have to wash the glasses of their eyes so they can see better.
August Strindberg Quotes: I once asked a little
I dream, therefore I exist.
August Strindberg Quotes: I dream, therefore I exist.
I find my joy of living in the fierce and ruthless battles of life, and my pleasure comes from learning something.
August Strindberg Quotes: I find my joy of
Love between a man and woman is war.
August Strindberg Quotes: Love between a man and
Family ... the home of all social evil, a charitable institution for comfortable women, an anchorage for house-fathers, and a hell for children.
August Strindberg Quotes: Family ... the home of
When women grow old and cease being women, they get beards on their chins; I wonder what men get when they grow old and cease to be men?
August Strindberg Quotes: When women grow old and
It's risky to take anything on good faith where a woman is concerned.
August Strindberg Quotes: It's risky to take anything
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